Mission Statement:
We are a community of believers who is striving to live out the likeness of Christ in our lives while reaching out to entreat and empower other community members to a fuller understanding of God’s will as it is written in His word.
The concern of Christ must be the concern of the church.
We pledge that our message is biblically documented – our mission is eternal – and our methods are patterned after Christ’s method.
The Sabbath School and Personal Ministries departments are opposite sides of the same coin and we will work together for the same goals: the study and spreading of the gospel and the strengthening and salvation of souls.
Sabbath School focus: Bible Study, foreign missions, fellowship, community outreach.
Personal Ministries Focus: inspire, motivate, equip, train, and mobilize members for dynamic Christian service as we live the gospel of Jesus Christ and proclaim it to others.
Theme: Evangelism through love, friendship and study.
Prison Ministries
Nursing home Ministries
Senior citizen Ministries
Heart Call (missing members)
Family Life
Community Service
Small Study Groups
Health Ministries
Men’s Ministries
Women Ministries
Music Ministries
Youth and Children’s Ministries
Literature Ministries:
Message Magazine
Signs of the Times
Religious Liberty
Small books Tracts
Seminar Materials Study guides
Activities, special days and special events schedules will be forthcoming.
Personal Ministries 2017 Requests:
- On the 1st Sabbath of each month that personal ministries time will be incorporated in the worship service.
- Personal ministries Day is held once a quarter with speaker/workshop/ activity
- PM will operate a bimonthly Study and prayer line.
- Collaborate with area churches to sponsor a community Health Fair to be repeated in multiple areas.
- Quarterly all day prayer and fasting days… invite sister churches to join us in the afternoon sessions.
- 5 volunteers to contact area persons who have started or finished the
Amazing Facts lessons.
Study and Prayer line number and access code: 712 770 4669 access code: 613254
This line will also be used for personal ministries council meetings and for any other church ministries councils.
Our beginning studies will be “ Real Prayers of Real People in the Bible”: Hannah, David, Solomon, Mary, Hezekiah, Jesus. Daniel. Facilitators open with prayer and welcome, will read the Prayer directly from the Bible and then provide a 10-12 minute commentary, lead a brief discussion, ask for prayer requests…pray, announce next Topic .End.
Additional topics will be: “ Basking in Familiar Bible Passages” :
Ps. 23, Ps 37, 1st Corinthian 13, Mathew 5.
Resources for these topics will be old Adult Sabbath school lessons.
Small Group Bible Study materials will be ordered for those wishing to open their homes for this mimistry.
Family Fun Day (School):
Basket Ball, Bouncy, Board games, ,refreshments
Video Games workshop (School) Parents
Men to Boys (community mentor program) sponsored by MZ but partnering with other men in the Parkstown community for young boys in the PT community. (School) Self-worth, education, goal setting, conflict resolution, health, recreation etc.
Heart Call: This is a program sponsored by Sabbath School and PM with the goal of contacting our missing members, entreating and encouraging them to return to MZ and use their gifts and talents in God’s Vineyard. We need volunteer contact persons.
There is much we can do in the service of the Lord. We can’t do everything but we can do something. Please plan to join an existing ministry: Nursing Home, Prison, or Senior Citizen…. And or lead/assist with one of the suggested one…… or plan you own creative ministry. Contact Donnell Powell or Margie Johnson, Leaders.